Tamraloo Studios: Poised for Performance in Lincoln


Tamra Rogers, affectionately known by her students and colleagues as Ms. Tamie, has created a haven of artistic passion and educational excellence in Lincoln, CA. Through the doors of Tamraloo Studios, countless residents have embarked on journeys of musical exploration, theatrical performance, dance, and educational enrichment. Ask anyone in Lincoln about where to find a nurturing environment for aspiring artists of all ages, and you're likely to hear a symphony of recommendations for Tamraloo Studios. This isn't mere hearsay; I've witnessed the outpouring of heartfelt endorsements firsthand from neighbors, friends, and through social media channels. As the studio has flourished alongside its community, it stands as a cornerstone of cultural and educational inspiration, leaving an indelible mark on the many creatives it touches.

Act I: A Mosaic of Talents

Tamraloo Studios has evolved into a vibrant hub for artistic development, offering a wide array of classes that include piano, voice, dance, and theater, reflecting a rich diversity of artistic disciplines. The journey from a modest home-based project to its current expansive facility at 2800 Nicolaus Rd, adjacent to Empire Gymnastics, is a testament to resilience and determination. This transition, despite the challenges faced, was propelled by grace and perseverance. Now housed in a former Charter School building, the studio's 10,000 square foot space is ideally suited to its growing needs. With ample room for a multitude of programs, individualized classrooms, and multiple rooms for performances, camps, and outside groups, Tamraloo Studios stands as a testament to the belief that good fortune favors the bold, providing an ideal environment for nurturing a wide range of talents.

Of course, the new space is impressive, yet it is not what makes Tamraloo great! The catalyst for growth wasn't merely a business decision but rather a response to many heartfelt callings and a genuine community need. The neglect of the arts in today's educational system has left a void, hindering the holistic development of many individuals. Tamraloo Studios has created a symphonic approach to arts and education, bringing together an ensemble of local talents, skilled instructors, gifted youth instructors, PhDs, certified educators, inspired students, and so much more. At the conductor’s podium, Ms. Tamie shares her three decades of experience, passion, dedication, and love for her city. Lincoln is where she brought her family; it's where two of her children went to elementary school and three graduated from Lincoln High School. It's the place where she imparts knowledge, guides, produces, directs, and seamlessly weaves herself into the music and arts programs of local schools and universities. Her list of achievements is extensive, recipients of many accolades and awards as the finest music education in the Lincoln and Sacramento regions.

ACT II: Not Just Teaching - Building!

Ask Ms. Tamie about her future plans, and you'll hear of even grander visions. With more room at Tamraloo Studios, she aims to transform it from merely an arts conservatory into a key community hub. She imagines it as a place for celebrating local events and building cultural connections, thereby enriching Lincoln's social and artistic landscape. Despite a busy schedule filled with teaching, directing, and contributing to nonprofits and civic groups like the DLA Board, Tamra is committed to furthering community enrichment and cultural advocacy. Her efforts are inspiring!

Epilogue: Encore!

Residents who have been in Lincoln for a while are well-acquainted with the city's transforming landscape. The rapid development of new homes not only welcomes fresh families but also reshapes local cultures, establishing new traditions. Institutions like Tamraloo Studios are crucial in bridging these families, enriching our youth, and fostering a culture rich in creativity, education, and inclusivity. Leaders like Ms. Tamie, with a servant-heart dedicated to the growth and welfare of the community, are indispensable to our city's prosperity. The expansion of Tamraloo Studios is a testament to Ms. Tamie's hard work and vision. We are excited about this progress and eagerly anticipate Tamraloo Studios’ next big performance.

Check out Tamraloo Studios’ website for more information.

By appointment only.


Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, Sunday: Closed

2800 Nicolaus Road #100, Lincoln, CA 95648

Alex P.

Alex Phung, Founder and Managing Director of Zora Nova Agency, headquartered in downtown Lincoln, CA. We specialize in Social Media Management, Content Creation, Website Development, Online Marketing & Brand Design. Our services help local businesses enhance their online presence with modern, authentic brand experiences for stronger customer connections in the digital landscape.


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Next DLA General Meeting April 11th @ 8 am.